My how things have changed... Jenna is coming home tomorrow!! Yay!! I am so excited my head might explode. But I am also kinda freaking out. It puts the responsibility all on my shoulders. And Mark, and everyone else who helps us, but I feel the weight squarely on me. I have also been sick, so I have missed the last 2 days she's been there. I had hoped to watch therapy a little more to learn some tricks to do here. Oh well, we'll wing it!! We're good at that.
Jenna's therapists decided she needed intensive outpatient therapy, I think so they could keep working with her, but mostly because she is making such incredible progress. I can't wait to see what being at home does for her. She is occasionally mentioning she does not want a sleepy leg, or hand anymore. It is heartbreaking, but I just reinforce with her, she can do anything she wants, even with a sleepy leg. I don't know what else to say. I don't want her to have that either, and I tell her that too. She is so strong and amazing.
It has been over a week since the bone-marrow biopsy, aspiration and still no word form the experts all over the country. I just want to know what she has, and what we are going to do about it. It has become the focus of what's next. She'll have therapy forever, but if there is something totally new I have to learn, like chemo and such, I want to get on it.
This is so like having a newborn. The seizures we came to treat are such a distant memory, It almost shocks me when people ask about them. Like, oh yeah, that's why we did all of this. Not unlike labor is how you get that squirmy newborn. And I am so ready to bring her home to see what our NEW life will be like, just like how you want to bring that baby home and be a family, but you know there's no nurse down the hall to help. It's all I have to compare it to. So, we shall see. Only one more day!!
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